secara borongan bahasa Inggris
- secara: -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely;
- borongan: bulk; wholesale; sweeping
- harga borongan: lump sum
- jumlah borongan: lumpsum
- kerja borongan: piece-work; piece work
- keuskupan borongan: roman catholic diocese of borongan
- membeli borongan: buy in the lump
- pedagang borongan: wholesaler
- pekerja borongan: jobber; piece worker; pieceworker; wholesaler
- pekerjaan borongan: contract work
- perjanjian borongan: package deal
- upah borongan: contract wages; piece-wages; pieces rate
- lapangan terbang borongan natl: borongan airport
- sistem kerja borongan: piece-work system; task-system
- secara: -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely; according to; well
- Film preservationist Robert A. Harris has said, "Most of the early films did not survive because of wholesale junking by the studios.
Pengamat dan pemelihara film Robert A. Harris mengatakan, "Kebanyakan film mula-mula tidak dapat bertahan karena dijual secara borongan oleh studio.